
Simple, transparent, pay-as-you go pricing with no upfront commitment. Tune resources precisely to your workload for unparalleled cost efficiency.


From $1.00/hour

Best price/performance
Granular choice of compute resources
Per-second billing
No licensing tiers
Scale from 1-128 nodes on the fly


From $23/TB/month

AWS S3 list-price - no additional charge
Optimized columnar compression reduces storage costs

Start your engines

Choose and tune resources for each workload to get the best price-performance. For each Firebolt engine you can select from a variety of node types optimized for different workloads, and scale up or out from 1-128 nodes on the fly.

Cloud data warehouse pricing model

Best price/performance

A gametech company leveraging Firebolt reduced compute consumption by 40% while delivering 40X faster customer-facing queries.


Compute usage


Query time


How does Firebolt’s cost compare to other cloud data platforms?


Built on a unique mix of optimized storage, compute and indexing, Firebolt delivers sub-second performance at terabyte scale using minimal hardware. This means you’ll get much better performance at lower costs than with other platforms.

You can't run a data warehouse with a small team.


Yes you can.

With Firebolt's amazing performance, neither development nor administration professionals need to waste time with unnecessary processes like complicated ingest, caching layers or esoteric data languages.  You can run a lean and mean team that consistently delivers value to customers.

Is pricing based on usage or storage volume?


Firebolt pricing is based on your compute usage. Storage, networking and related costs will be passed through from AWS.

Speed, capacity, ease of use.  You can't have all three


Yes you can.

We've spent a lot of time working on all three.
1. Firebolt is natively efficient due to indexing.
2. With separated storage and compute, data volume increases don't linearly increase compute.
3. With a very user friendly GUI, numerous APIs and SDKs, and allowing all activities to happen in very familiar SQL, it's a very natural platform.

You can’t give your customer facing apps direct access to your data warehouse


Yes you can.

Firebolt is designed to handle massive concurrency.  It’s more than capable of supporting customer facing applications.  And if the workload increases, just scale your engines.

Which AWS regions are available?


Firebolt is currently available on us-east-1, with additional regions to be added soon.

Does Firebolt provide technical support?


Yes. 24/7 concierge support is included.

Can I get a free trial?


Yes. Your Firebolt account will come with $200 in free credits. At the end of the trial, you can continue using Firebolt with the same configuration and resources.

Still have questions?

Talk to our team to get a price estimate for your use case.